TitelDas Ruhrgebiet: Erneuerung einer europäischen Industrieregion
TitelzusatzImpulse für den Strukturwandel durch die Internationale Bauausstellung Emscher Park
VerantwortlichHeiko Faust
Autor/in Faust, Heiko
Medientyp Online
Publikationstyp Aufsatz
Erschienen 1999
InhaltAbstract: Evaluations of the recent structural change in the Ruhr region differ. On the one hand, modernisation and innovative combinations between the economy, culture and science are praised; on the other, the sustainability of the programme and projects, which are maintained with high subsidisation, is in doubt. It is doubtless true that, in recent times in the Ruhr region, there have been strong changes in the economic, job market and social structures. In addition, it is not only true that the centre of the European coal and steel industry has changed in terms of the sector as a whole, e.g. to become the area in Europe with the greatest density of universities, but also in terms of the landscape. It is now regarded as being Europe's greenest industrial region. The restructuring of the region is also revealed in a change in the cultural landscape, which, in changes in the use of industrial land, places the main importance on the production of open spaces, on the networking of green belts
AnmerkungenVeröffentlichungsversion. - begutachtet
UmfangIllustrationen, Diagramme
QuelleEuropa regional; Leipzig, 1999; 7. 1999 (1999), 2, Seite 10-18
InEuropa regional
Raumsystematik 20 Ruhrgebiet |
Sachsystematik 572030 Regionalplanung |
Schlagwörter Ruhrgebiet | Internationale Bauausstellung Emscher-Park | Strukturwandel
Landschaftsgestaltung, Raumplanung | 681
Zum Bestand siehe:Europa regional
