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Late Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) populations from the Emscher River terrace open air hyena den near Bottrop and other sites in NW Germany | their bone accumulations along rivers in lowland mammoth steppe environments and scavenging activities on woolly rhinoceros Dietrich, Cajus 2012

Periodical use of the Balve Cave (NW Germany) as a Late Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) den | Hyena occupations and bone accumulations vs. human Middle Palaeolithic activity Dietrich, Cajus 2011

Skelettmontage einer pleistozänen Höhlenhyäne 'Crocuta crocuta spelaea' (GOLDFUSS 1823) im Geologisch-Paläontologischen Museum Münster Humpohl, Gudrun; Kroniger, Martin; Lambers, Karin 1997

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