Thesen für die Tagung "Neue Medien - neue Gesellschaft?" | Deiters, Heinz | 1997 | |
Aspects of school television in Europe | a documentation | Meyer, Manfred | 1992 | |
Media criticism and media analysis on West German school television | Möller-Rösch, Ursula | 1992 | |
"Beyond the big cities" | flashes from the production of a series for English and geography | Goralewski, Jörg | 1992 | |
Prospects for the nineties | or: On the possibility of serving 2 masters without using one to deceive the other | Humburg, Lothar | 1992 | |
Schulfernsehen in Nordrhein-Westfalen | e. Übersichtsstudie | Zindel, Manfred; Driessen, Andreas | 1984 |
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