12 Beiträge in: Myths of Wewelsburg Castle — zeige 1 bis 12:

The "grail castle" of the SS? | the creation of legends about Wewelsburg Castle in scholarly and popular-science literature Siepe, Daniela 2022

"The realm of the Black Sun" | Wewelsburg Castle and its emblem in right-wing estremist worlds of symbol and myth Pfeiffer, Thomas 2022

Symbolic bridges across countries and continents | the "Black Sun" and Wewelsburg Castle in international right-wing extremism Pfeiffer, Thomas 2022

Of flying disks and secret societies | Wewelsburg and the "Black Sun" in esoteric writings of conspiracy theory Huismann, Frank 2022

Himmler's Plans and Activities in Wewelsburg John-Stucke, Kirsten 2022

The sun wheel as a "Black Sun" in Wewelsburg Castle's Obergruppenführer Hall Siepe, Daniela 2022

"Factual Nazisploitation" | Nazi occult documentary films Kingsepp, Eva 2022

Wewelsburg Castle in thrillers and comics Siepe, Daniela 2022

Wewelsburg Castle in fantasy literature Siepe, Daniela 2022

Esoteric perspectives on Wewelsburg Castle | reception in "Satanist" circles Siepe, Daniela 2022

Wewelsburg Castle, nazi-inspired occulture, and the commodification of evil Kingsepp, Eva 2022

Current tendencies concerning the myths of Wewelsburg Castle | in place of a conclusion John-Stucke, Kirsten 2022

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