22 Beiträge in: The late glacial burial from Oberkassel revisited — zeige 1 bis 22:

The dental metrics, morphology, and oral paleopathology of Oberkassel 1 and 2 Lacy, Sarah A. 2015

Within-population variation of cranial size, shape and sexual dimorphism | a global perspective on the Oberkassel double burial Friess, Martin 2015

The endocasts of the Bonn-Oberkassel crania Neubauer, Simon 2015

The bony labyrinth of the Oberkassel hominins Stößel, Alexander; Gunz, Philipp; Kuhrig, Melanie; Hublin, Jean-Jacques; Spoor, Fred 2015

The excavations of 1994 and 2012 Feine, Susanne C.; Giemsch, Liane; Schmitz, Ralf W. 2015

Determinng sediment ages from Bonn-Oberkassel | new insights from recent developments in luninescence dating Hülle, Daniela; Hilgers, Alexandra 2015

The double burial of Bonn-Oberkassel one hundred years later | summary and outlook Giemsch, Liane; Schmitz, Ralf W. 2015

The appendicular sceletal remains of Oberkassel 1 and 2 Trinkaus, Erik 2015

Comparative studies of the art objects and other grave goods from Bonn-Oberkassel Giemsch, Liane; Tinnes, Johann; Schmitz, Ralf W. 2015

3D manual facial reconstruction of the Oberkassel remains Niess, Constanze 2015

Dietary reconstruction of the two skeletons from Oberkassel by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis from bone collagen Nehlich, Olaf; Richards, Michael P. 2015

Semilandmark geometric morphometric analysis of the Oberkassel faces | a study of allometry Freidline, Sarah E.; Gunz, Philipp; Hublin, Jean-Jacques 2015

Radiocarbon dating of the Oberkassel specimens Higham, Tom; Schmitz, Ralf W.; Giemsch, Liane; Feine, Susanne C.; Street, Martin 2015

Description and pathology of the Bonn-Oberkassel dog Janssens, Luc; Napierala, Hannes; Street, Martin 2015

The Oberkassel double burial from a genetic perspective Mittnik, Alissa Kathrin; Krause, Johannes 2015

Strontium and oxygen isotope analyses of the double burial of Bonn-Oberkassel Knipper, Corina; Alt, Kurt W. 2015

A flake's tale | the function of Oberkassel No. 18/45 Pawlik, Alfred 2015

The Oberkassel radii Slizewski, Astrid 2015

The geology of the Oberkassel area Meyer, Wilhelm 2015

The age of the Oberkassel burial in the context of climate, environment and the late glacial settlement history of the Rhineland Street, Martin; Jöris, Olaf 2015

The history of research and debate concerning the discovery of the late ice age burial of Oberkassel Feine, Susanne C.; Giemsch, Liane; Schmitz, Ralf W. 2015

The late paleolithic dog from Bonn-Oberkassel in context Street, Martin; Napierala, Hannes; Janssens, Luc 2015

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