Die rechnergestützte Modellierung eines 3D-Flächenverbandes der Erftscholle (Niederrheinische Bucht)
Klesper, Christian |
1994 |
Petrophysikalische und technologische Bestimmungen an Baustoffen aus den känozoischen Vulkanprovinzen Siebengebirge und Osteifel (Mittelrhein)
| Vom Verf. autorisierte Ausg |
Reingen, Burkhard |
1993 |
Die geoelektrische Erkundung der Höhle Malachitdom
Vogelsang, Dieter |
1992 |
Seismische Ereignisse auf einer Schachtanlage der Bergbau AG Lippe
Kuschke, Michael |
1990 |
Crustal structure of the Rhenish Massif
| results of deep seismic reflection lines DEKORP 2-North and 2-North-Q
Franke, W. |
1990 |
Accompanying seismic refraction investigations along the profile DEKORP 2-North
Giese, P. |
1990 |
Devonischer submariner Vulkanismus im Ostsauerland (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge)
| Vulkanaufbau, Magmenzusammensetzung u. Alteration
Sunkel, Gabriele |
1990 |
Preliminary interpretation of the magnetic anomalies in the area of the seismic reflection profile DEKORP 2-N
Hahn, A.; Wonik, T. |
1990 |
Magnetotelluric study of the earth's crust along the deep seismic reflection profile DEKORP 2-N
Volbers, R.; Jödicke, H.; Untiedt, J. |
1990 |
Bergbaubedingte Erderschütterungen im Ruhrgebiet
Mehrhoff, Siegfried |
1990 |
Extrem hohe Gammastrahlung in Sandsteinen des Ruhrkarbons
Knebel, Kristine |
1989 |
Heat flow during the Carboniferous and Mesozoic of the Northwest German Basin
Ritter, Ulrich |
1986 |
Zur Physiogeographie der Hohen Mark
Ringleb, Franz |
1986 |
Geology and geophysics of the northeastern Hohes Venn area
| report on a joint geoscientific venture
Walter, Roland |
1985 |
Standard logs of the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany)
Büscher, M.; Schmitz, D.; Wohlenberg, Jürgen |
1985 |
Caledonian or Variscan metamorphism in the Venn-Stavelot Massif, Ardennes?
| arguments from a K-Ar and Rb-Sr study
Kramm, U.; Buhl, D.; Chernyshev, I. V. |
1985 |
P-wave and SH-wave experiments in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany)
Budny, Manfred |
1985 |
A geological and geophysical interpretation of the magnetic anomaly of Lammersdorf, Hohes Venn (West Germany)
Franken, Daniel; Bosum, Wilhelm; Wohlenberg, Jürgen |
1985 |
Crustal structure of the Northern Eifel from seismic-refraction investigations
Prodehl, C.; Mechie, J. |
1985 |
A large selfpotential anomaly at the southeast flank of the Stavelot-Venn anticline originating from Metaanthracite bearing black shales at the Salm/Revin boundary
Jödicke, Hartmut |
1985 |
Magnetic measurements under use of a 3-D drillhole magnetometer in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany)
Bosum, Wilhelm |
1985 |
Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the borehole Konzen and rockmagnetic investigations on selected core samples
Krammer, Kristian; Pohl, Jean; Franken, Daniel |
1985 |
Paleomagnetic study of paleozoic rocks from the Hohes Venn area (West Germany)
Nowaczyk, N.; Bleil, U. |
1985 |
The anisotropy of the thermal conductivity of Ordovician Rocks from the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany)
Schürmeyer, Jutta; Wohlenberg, Jürgen |
1985 |
U-Pb zircon dating of the Hill Tonalite, Venn-Stavelot Massif, Ardennes
Kramm, U.; Buhl, D. |
1985 |