TitelPopular revenants
Titelzusatzthe German gothic and its international reception, 1800 - 2000
Verantwortliched. by Andrew Cusack ...
Herausgeber/in Cusack, Andrew
Medientyp Print
Publikationstyp Konferenzschrift
Erschienen 2012
Rochester, NY
Camden House
ISBN9781571135193 | 1571135197
UmfangVI, 309 S.
Erschienen inStudies in German literature, linguistics, and culture
Enthält1 Beitrag
Schlagwörter Deutsch | Schauerliteratur | Rezeption | Geschichte 1800-2000
Gothic fiction (Literary genre), German / History and criticism / Congresses
Gothic fiction (Literary genre), German / Appreciation / Congresses
Gothic fiction (Literary genre), English / History and criticism / Congresses
Gothic revival (Literature) / Congresses
Horror tales / History and criticism / Congresses
Horror films / History and criticism / Congresses
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) / Congresses
Deutsche Sprache und Literatur. Germanistik insgesamt | 1291
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