16 Treffer — zeige 1 bis 16:

Structural inventory of the core profile of the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Fielitz, Werner 1985

Petrophysical properties and electrical conductivity of core samples from the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Nover, G.; Huenges, E.; Will, G. 1985

P-wave and SH-wave experiments in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Budny, Manfred 1985

Geotechnical rock tests, research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Heitfeld, Karl-Heinrich 1985

Standard logs of the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Büscher, M.; Schmitz, D.; Wohlenberg, Jürgen 1985

A vertical seismic profile (VSP) experiment in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Stein, B. 1985

Interpretation of structure analysing logs (GEODIP and SABIS) of the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Büscher, M. 1985

Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the borehole Konzen and rockmagnetic investigations on selected core samples Krammer, Kristian; Pohl, Jean; Franken, Daniel 1985

Technical performance and geological profile of the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Weyer, H. J.; Walter, R. 1985

Magnetic measurements under use of a 3-D drillhole magnetometer in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Bosum, Wilhelm 1985

Engineering geological log of research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Heitfeld, Karl-Heinrich 1985

Petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Salmian Rocks from research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Echle, Wolfram 1985

The anisotropy of the thermal conductivity of Ordovician Rocks from the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Schürmeyer, Jutta; Wohlenberg, Jürgen 1985

Hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress and permeability measurements in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Rummel, F.; Baumgärtner, J. 1985

Thermal measurements in the research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Dornstädter, J.; Sattel, G. 1985

Distribution of accessory ore minerals in the Lower Ordovician Sediments of Salm 1 and Salm 2, research borehole Konzen, Hohes Venn (West Germany) Hack, U.; Friedrich, G.; Martin, J. 1985

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