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Late Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) populations from the Emscher River terrace open air hyena den near Bottrop and other sites in NW Germany | their bone accumulations along rivers in lowland mammoth steppe environments and scavenging activities on woolly rhinoceros Dietrich, Cajus 2012

Periodical use of the Balve Cave (NW Germany) as a Late Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) den | Hyena occupations and bone accumulations vs. human Middle Palaeolithic activity Dietrich, Cajus 2011

Upper Pleistocene Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) remains from the Bilstein Caves (Sauerland Karst) and contribution to the steppe lion taphonomy, palaeobiology and sexual dimorphism | = Panthera leo spelaea du Pléistocène supérieur (Goldfuss, 1810) des grottes de Bilstein (Karst de Sauerland) et contribution à la taphonomie, la paléobiologie et le dimorphisme sexuel chez le lion des cavernes Dietrich, Cajus 2009

Der steinzeitliche Fundplatz Künsebeck, Stadt Halle (Westf.), Kr. Gütersloh | ein Beitrag zur postglazialen Besiedlungsgeschichte des Teutoburger Waldes Dietrich, Cajus 2003

Neue Ichthyosaurierfunde von 'Platyptergius' cf. 'campylodon' (Carter 1846) (Ichthyopterygia, Reptilia) aus dem Cenoman von NW-Deutschland Dietrich, Cajus 2002

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